Besides this tutorial, snoDB internally links to the following:
About: Textual explanation of the site's components with references and contact information.
Statistics: Graphical representations of some of the data found in snoDB.
snoTHAW: Heatmap visualisation tool that appears under the table.
Detail pages: Clicking on snoRNA Symbols links to individual pages for each entry.
Experiment Details: Page illustrating the RNA-Seq pipeline used to obtain the expression data.
snoDB Links to the Following Resources:
snoRNA Databases
snoRNABase snOPY snoRNA Atlas
General Resources
RNAcentral Ensembl RefSeq HGNC Rfam
RNA Interaction Data
RISE DATABASECurated Articles
Toggle Column Visibility with buttons
Columns are grouped by similar data types and
to match columns in their group
Individual columns can be toggled by clicking on Column Visibility
Reorder Columns & Select Rows
Drag and drop Columns(except Symbol) to re-order them. Hold Ctrl to prevent sorting of the column.
Click on rows to highlight them.
Hold Ctrl (Command on Mac) + Click = select non-contiguous rows
Hold Shift + Click = select contiguous rows
Highlighted rows can be downloaded (see next slide) or added to snoTHAW using a dedicated button in the widget (not shown here).>
Download & Share Data From
Query or Selection
Example: You obtain the following rows from a query and want to share them
Click the TSV or Excel download buttons.
These files can be shared AND used to view their contents in snoDB once more by:
Copy/pasting a column into a related search engine on the site
Example: Click the first snoRNA Symbol in the file then click the last while holding Shift and copy/paste it into the snoRNA Symbol + Synonym search box in Columns Search
"Despite the U8 snoRNA being
ubiquitously expressed, germline mutations in SNORD118 cause an
exclusively neurological, progressive microangiopathy"
Next Slide >>>
They conclude without establishing a causal link:
"The precise link between U8 and cerebral vascular homeostasis awaits elucidation and may conceivably involve a direct effect on translation or other yet to be defined functions of U8."
Had they had access to snoDB, they would have known that SNORD118 has predicted RNA interactions with cerebrally enriched genes EHD3 & ZNF536 (as we can see in the Next Slide >>>) which opens up potentially interesting avenues to investigate.